Paris and the Rite of Spring

We flew to Paris to see a ballet, little did we know what an adventure these few days would be! Le Sacre du printemps (the Rite of Spring) is a legendary work in the world of music and ballet. It was composed by Igor Stravinsky with choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky for the 1913 season of [...]

Oslo in the fall

It's funny when you meet friends out of context. For all of my travels to Europe I have met people who have some element of the past in common. It is always strange to see them living in Europe and it also gives me a great deal of hope that if it makes sense to [...]

Sweden in September

In September I spent a wonderful weekend away to visit friends at their home in Stockholm. My experience of Sweden so far has been only Stockholm and what a beautiful city this is! I felt so welcomed into a new culture and even under the September clouds it was so nice to walk around outside [...]