Stop and smell the roses

It is so strange how quickly we can adjust to a new sense of home. The desire to 'get out there and do things' slips away from a state of travel-pressurised urgency to simple daily living and 'am I too busy...?' level thinking. Copenhagen does spring well, and I mean really well. We go from [...]

Winter in Copenhagen

I understand why the shoes come off inside now. An armour is just the beginning of what you need to survive the ongoing oppression of a bad winter in Copenhagen. The rain is enough to drive you indoors and the gloom of day turning over to night in the blink of an eye leaves little [...]

Welcome to Denmark

I completely fell in love with Copenhagen when visiting last year in July. There was something about it that just felt like home and this pull to a place and its culture was something I have not experienced before. In August I moved to Copenhagen to study music and ever since arriving each day has [...]

Introductions to Copenhagen

It started on a plane from London to Mallorca while talking to a couple of Danish tennis players. I remember strongly believing that Danish was an odd language and that the people who spoke it were friendly and good humoured. It was close to a month later that I would first set foot in Denmark [...]