Stop and smell the roses

It is so strange how quickly we can adjust to a new sense of home. The desire to ‘get out there and do things’ slips away from a state of travel-pressurised urgency to simple daily living and ‘am I too busy…?’ level thinking. Copenhagen does spring well, and I mean really well. We go from this 5 month oppressive blanket of gloom, grey skies and dark music to happiness in the blink of an eye… and speaking of which people really took a few days to adjust to the new light.

Walking around the city – I noticed that people looked up at the movements of light over gardens and buildings, dropped the usual armour of literal and figurative rain-protection and… smiled! People have been so happy in this beautiful city and it has given me a whole new appreciation for actually living here and having more of an understanding of the seasons than is possible to have as a tourist. This was the first real winter I have ever lived through (with France at the age of 16 as the exception). It was difficult, and not everyday was a good day. But, seeing the city bloom like this really is so inspiring and uplifting. It reminds me of why I wanted to live here in the first place.


Flowers as Copenhagen sprung into bloom with an array of blossoms. It really makes the earth sing.


People make barbecues in the gardens, come together to spend a cozy time in the midday sun – make time to simply be with the seasons and also with those we care about. It is such a beautiful culture and special time and I just love how people come together in this culture. It is genuine, well lived and utterly poignant in every way. This is truly a special place and I feel so fortunate to be living here. To find one’s niche is rare and something worth fighting for because when it’s found – it really makes the world sing into bloom.

Written as the sun came out to play and the faces of Copenhagen came to life with genuine happiness and joie de vivre…

Picture credit: Copenhagen Vibes

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