Melbourne at last!

Melbourne is such a wonderful city! It's taken a while for me to travel here and it took an orchestral conducting school to make it happen, but my goodness I really love this culture, the city and the people. So often it is easy to forget about the home when we are travelling. Dreaming of [...]

Saved by poetry

Sometimes when reflecting on travels I am reminded of the strangest moments and equally the kindness of the strangers. When I was first travelling solo in 2014, the train I was taking from Bologna to Munich was delayed after a tree had fallen over the tracks. Because it was a Sunday (never travel on a [...]


Beautiful S'arraco. This is a place where dreams and imagination collide as old cobblestones sing under the summer heat and the vines from wine plants spiral up and around old wells opposite a monastery that is hundreds of years old. In this city there was such a wonderful buzz of community life, living and vivacity. [...]


This marked the half-way point in my journey around Europe in 2014. Florence was a really wonderful place to feel centred and find a sense of gravity from all that I had so far experienced. To pause and recollect during the train ride here did wonders to the eyes that I saw this city with. [...]

Return to Paris

Cyclic nature of travel. It was really nice to have an anchor to return to before flying home... somewhere that I could call 'stability' in reference to the mind-state I was in on commencing my journey abroad and that which I would leave from. Very strangely, some may say, I was excited to go home. [...]


The Amalfi Coast in summertime. This is honestly where dreams blend over seamlessly with reality and become hard to separate. The cobblestones are warm, shaded by ancient vines with colourful flowers, the people friendly, the food spectacular and the views... completely out of this world. A treasured memory was arriving in Naples at midnight and [...]

AIX en Provence

What a city! I happened to arrive during a music festival of 2014 when the whole city comes to life with a celebration of classical music. There are two particular moments that have made a strong impression and I dearly cherish. Schubert in the courtyard - a roof made of leaves, a Steinway to top [...]

Going solo: the first days of travel

Wow. It's strange how normal it feels to wake up on the day of travel. Bag packed by the door, clothes for the plane laid out and the last meal of fresh food (aka. many mangos!) for the next 24 hours pre-planned and ready to eat. I think I have always been a traveller. Since [...]